Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012


Active Participle

Active participle merupakan kata kerja yang berujung – ing seperti having, pointing, walking dll.

 Apabila active participle didahului oleh „tobe‟ maka timbullah bentuk progressive.

 Apabila active participle (Ving) muncul di awal kalimat hendaknya diperhatikan dan diingant bahwa dalam betuk active participle tersebut sudah terkandung beberapa kata (arti).

Active participle kerap kali muncul setelah objek dari kata kerja: see, hear, smell, feel, watch, notice, listen to, look at, observe, keep, find, catch, Ieave, dimana berfungsi sebagai adjective atau adverb:


I felt the house shaking
I saw the boat sinking
He notice me leaving the house

Perhatikan contoh berikut!

1. Walking along the street, I met my old friend

Dalam kata walking di atas terkandung kata while (sedang atau sementara)
Kalimat di atas dapat ditulis dengan kalimat lain:
While I was walking along the street I met my old friend


2. Running down the stairs, she slipped and broke her leg

Kalimat diatas sama artinya dengan:
(While she was running down the stairs, she slipped and broke her leg)

3. Having studied English at Express, Fini went home with her friends.

Dalam kata „having‟ telah terkandung kata after (setelah).
Kalimat diatas sama artinya dengan:
After she had studied English at Express, Fini went home with her friends.

Having completed the test, the students handed in their papers and left the room.
Kalimat diatas sama artinya dengan:
After the student had completed the test, they handed in their papers and left the room.
Having beaten by foreman, Hallyfield was black and blue.
After he had been beaten by Foreman, Holloyfield was black and blue

4. Being ill, mother had her breakfast brought to her room.

Kata being mengandung pengertian because, since atau as (karena)
Kalimat di atas sama dengan:
Because/since/as my mother was ill, she had her breakfast brought to her room.

Being an outstanding student of our school, he has been offered a scholarship.
Kalimat di atas sama dengan:
(Because/since/as) he is an outstanding student, he has been offered a scholarship.


5. Being a foreigner, he needs a visa.

Kalimat di atas sama dengan:
Because/since/as he is a foreigner, he needs a visa.

6. Trying hard to win the beauty contest, Nita neglected all her school assignments.

Kalimat di atas sama dengan:
Because/since/as Nita tried hard to win the beauty contest, Nita neglected all her school assignments

7. Not wanting to take the risk of missing the train, we went to the station very early.

Kalimat di atas sama dengan:
Because/since/as we didn‟t want to take the risk of missing the train, we went to the station very early

8. Turning to the left, you will find his office

Active participle akan mempunyai arti if (jikalau) kalimat kedua dalam bentuk future
Kalimat diatas sama dengan
If you turn the left, you will find his office

9. Dalam active participle, pelaku pada kalimat active participle adalah sama denga pelaku pada kalimat ke dua.
Active participle dapat menggantikan adjective clause (dalam pola relative pronoun)
I found the baby who is crying = I found the baby crying
The girl who is reading the magazine is my sister = The girl reading the magazine is my sister

Passive Participle

Passive participle adalah kata kerja bentuk ke – 3. Apabila past participle di dahului oleh tobe maka timbullah pola passive form:

To be + V3

A table is made of wood
I was born in July, etc.

Fungsi Utama Passive Participle:
1. Untuk menggantikan anak kalimat pengganti kata sifat (relative clause) yang bersifat pasif.
The window which was broken by Edi has not been repaired yet.
Kalimat diatas sama dengan:
The window broken by Edy has not been repaired yet.

The students who were chosen to attend the student conference in the United States should be able to speak English fluently
Kalimat diatas sama dengan:
The students chosen to attend the student conference in the United States should be able to speak English fluently

2. Menyatakan sebab akibat
Because /since/as the city is surrounded by mountain, it has a cool climate.
Kalimat diatas sama dengan:
Surrounded by mountain, the city has a cool climate.

Because /since/as he was annoyed by the five – hour delay in the plane departure, Budi wrote an angry letter to the air line.
Kalimat diatas sama dengan:
Annoyed by the five hour delay in the plane departure, Lee wrote an angry letter to the air line.

11. After the students had finished doing the test, they left the room.
We can also say : ......... they left their room.
(A) Have finished 
(B) Finished 
(C) Being finished
(D) having finished
(E) finished

12. Because he tried hard to get a schoolarship, Ariel spent his time on studying.
We can also say : ............, Ariel spent his time on studying.
(A) Tried hard to get 
(B) Trying hard to get 
(C) Tries hard to get
(D) He tried to get
(E) in trying to get

13. ............, the professor asked his students to make a summary.
(A) having finished his lecture
(B) to finish his lecture
(C) have finished his lecture
(D) after he finishes his lecture
(E) He finishes his lecture

14. .............., she was able to achieve what she had dreamed of.
(A) carefully did she plan her future
(B) she planned her future carefully
(C) Her future was planned with care
(D) Her future was carefully planned
(E) having planned her future carefully.

15. ............... For five years in the marketing department, I feel well qualified to apply for the job of marketing manager advertised in newspaper.
(A) worked 
(B) having worked 
(C) have worked
(D) I have worked
(E) to work

16. .......... by the famous writer, the novel become best-seller.
(A) writing 
(B) written 
(C) to write
(D) in writing
(E) to be written

17. Not earning enough to support her children after her husband‟s death, .............
(A) the woman decided to work in Saudi Arabia
(B) a better-paid job is definitely required
(C) her children need to be trained to work
(D) special training is required to improve her skills
(E) her children should be put into an orphanage

18. Ornamented with beautiful traditional Balinese carving, ..............
(A) many foreign tourist are curious to visit the house
(B) the antiquity of the house is admired by many tourists
(C) tourists guides often bring their guests to visit the house
(D) the owner of the house allows tourist to visit and admire its beauty
(E) the house of a local resident becomes an object of tourism.

19. Living in a remmote mountainous area in West Java, ..............
(A) there is Badui people living in simplicity
(B) nature resources can be effectivelly conserved by the Badui people
(C) the Badui people are almost completely without by modern life
(D) how west Java province maintains Badui old way of life is amazing
(E) modern technology has hardly ever touched the Badui people

20. Noticing I had dropped my purse, ............
(A) the bus conductor called after me
(B) I was called after by the bus conductor
(C) it was the bus conductor who called after me
(D) there was the bus conductor calling after me
(E) the bus conductor was called after me

21. Having finished their exam, ................
(A) the books must returned to the library
(B) the library requires the books to be returned
(C) the library requires students to return the books
(D) the students must return the books to the library
(E) it is required that students return the books to the library

22. Trying to smuggle drugs into the country, the criminals were caught by customs official the airport. The underlined word mean: ........ to smuggle drugs into the country.
(A) When the criminals were trying
(B) Since the customs official have tried
(C) Becuase the customs official were trying
(D) Until the custom official were trying
(E) Before the smuggles tried

23. Covered by mud, the road made some car get stuck. The underlined words means: ............
(A) though the road was covered by mud
(B) since the road was covered by mud
(C) after that the road was covered by mud
(D) in order that the road was covered by mud
(E) before the was covered by mud

24. Being angry with his mother‟s remarks, He got up and left the house. The underlined words means : ................ with his mother‟s remark.
(A) because he was angry
(B) after he was angry
(C) although he was angry
(D) before he was angry
(E) in order that he was angry

25. Having developed a new method in medicine, the doctor was invited to give a speech in a seminar. 
The underlined words means: ..............
(A) because the doctor was developing a new method in medicine
(B) after the doctor had developed a new method in medicine
(C) although the doctor developed a new method in medicine
(D) the doctor was developing a new method in medicine
(E) whenever the doctor had developed a new method in medicine

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